Essential vehicle tool
I got mine several years ago. I haven't given it much hard use, but the time I needed it, it worked out great! I was parked on a clay driveway in 2016, waiting out a heavy thunder storm. It was so bad I pulled over because I couldn't see the road. I had actually pulled in and turned around so I was only about 50' in from the paved road but I felt protected from the wind bu the thick scrub oaks and palmettos lining the clay drive. It felt that way until a small tree landed across my car. It was small for a tree, but it wasn't a shrub! I waited until the storm passed and this Gerber hatchet and saw helped me cut up a bunch of inch thick limbs and several pieces of the 4" thick twisted oak trunk without scratching up my hood. I had zero damage to the vehicle because scrub oaks are crooked, every limb, even the trunks. They can take a big pine tree falling on them and bounce the tree off with no damage. So, it's nearly impossible to chop the trunks because all your energy is absorbed by bouncing. But the limbs can be popped off up against the trunk if you have a sharp tool. This was sharp. I could bend a limb, then one shot would take it off cleanly. I could gently drag it off without damage. The trunk was too heavy for me to move though so I used the little saw to cut off short pieces without scratching up the car. It took over an hour but that little saw was very sharp and did the job just fine. I did have to dig out some gloves for the saw, but it was still pretty sharp even after a half dozen chunks of trunk came off the vehicle. I have four now. Each vehicle has a long one with the saw and the shorter one with the knife in the handle. I dont expect to need them often, but if I do, I know they will do the job.
John B.