Stout little multi purpose knife that's built like a tank.
Reasonably priced knives and decent sales from SMKW allow to me to buy lot's of budget brand knives that catch my attention. I bought this one , because I thought it was a really great design at a good sale price. I knew the shortcomings about the sheath after doing some research, but felt the knife was still worth a shot in it's price range of 15.99. My use would be a general purpose knife on the deer lease and in the woods, but not for game skinning. The knife was built like a tank and mine came very sharp. I re-sharpen with a work sharp, so edge is never an issue for me because I can get it where I need it. I don't know what edge longevity might be on this 440A steel knife, because my uses for it will typically be so light I cant speak to what abuse it could endure. The most I'd probably do is cut some rope or line and maybe some corn sacks open. I do know it is a very stout blade and would probably be a great camping knife. It looks to be a great shape for chopping foods. On the sheath, I was expecting much worse than what I got after reading reviews. One video review said the knife had to be carried backwards in the sheath for a right hand side/draw because the retention strap was placed on the wrong side. I was able to sheath the knife correctly for a right handed person with a right hand draw and pivot the strap over to the opposite side and secure the knife correctly with the retention strap so I'm not sure why they couldn't do the same. The strap was tight and I had to pull it hard to button it closed, but it will easily stretch after a bit and fit just fine after being stored like this. The knife was a very tight fit in the sheath, but again this is not a deal breaker for me. The latigo leather lanyard on the bottom really was junk, but I tossed it anyway and replaced it with one I made from paracord which I add to all of my knives anyway. The handles were tough black G-10 secured with a torx style screw which are probably indestructible if your not batoning wood (which I never do anyway) For what I will do with this knife, I have no complaints. And in it's very reasonable price range I can recommend it all day long. BTW, the picture on the website shows the knife reversed in the sheath if carrying on the right hip for right hand draw. I was able to reverse the knife from this picture and move the strap to the correct side without issue. I recommend this knife in it's current price range.
Raymond L.